Get to know NMPHI…
Who are New Mainers Public Health Initiative (NMPHI)? NMPHI are made up of few students in the local colleges and universities who wanted to give back to their community. These ambitious students created MIPHI to promote health issues and bring about awareness on many health issues that affect their community. NMPHI employees work closely with their community to empower them with good healthcare- related habits. It is also there to educate the community them on various illnesses and how they can be engaged in carrying out both primary and secondary prevention of these diseases. As members of the community, we have a strong relationship with our community and can act as a buffering agent to the providers as well as other healthcare personnel. Our organization actively works with other agencies who closely work with the New Mainers in Lewiston and Auburn area. NMPHI members also participate in the New Mainers Community Collaborative meetings.