NH-ME LEND and New Mainers Public Health Initiative

January 20, 2020From AUCD Over the past two decades, Maine has experienced a rapid growth of racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse populations. Although Maine’s population is largely White (95%), children in Maine are disproportionately from minority...
Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers Community health workers (CHWs) are front line public health workers that educate, advocate and empower community members on a variety of health issues and link them to available community resources and programs. COMMUNITY based setting...

Health Literacy

Health literacy is the “degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make proper health decisions.” Health literacy is not only the ability to read information, but also the ability to...

Activities & Updates October ’19

Programs Activities and Updates: Rehabilitations Community Services (RCS) Work with children who have developmental delays, some autistic children in Lewiston/Auburn Area. Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) we now have employed eleven BHPs and two office employees....